Monday, November 4, 2019

Abortion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8

Abortion - Essay Example Using abortion as a tool of gender selection is immoral from the point of view of Western cultures which support diversity and gender equality. India is not the only place where people are ready to do everything to have a boy; in China the situation is close to this. As far as gender inequality is a local cultural tradition, many years should pass before anything changes. This tradition is not only discriminatory; it is also harmful for demographical situation in the country because the number of men in the country significantly exceeds women. Knowing that a child will suffer from incurable mental or physical condition after birth, I will think twice depending on my ability to care about such a special child. I cannot give a definite answer in the case because this decision depends on many factors. Some of mental and physical condition can be cured and some are not. Special children require more attention and special treatment, so I would consider whether I can provide all these things to support and develop a child with special needs before making the final

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